Showing all 4 results in B&I

Blues Ensemble Approach

This is a question about The Blues Improv Program. When we get to The Ensemble Approach Project #15, when you use the Bishop Chords or 13ths in the LH and the Blues Scale in the RH, my students say it doesn’t sound good when we…

Blues Infusion vs. B&I

I would love some feedback please… as I really love the Blues Infusion Program (what I have seen so far of it) but also the Blues & Improvisation Program… My F6 student (who has also just completed TFMM and is working through the second part…

Blues & Improv question

In project 7C of Blues & Improv, students work towards inventing phrases spontaneously. With the invention part (when students start to vary the rhythm in each measure), is it expected that students play the 4 notes in the same order each measure and only vary…