building chords

Showing all 7 results in building chords

Challenges with 3 note Chord

Greetings – I’ve got a 7 yr old student who is in week 12 or so of lessons, half way through Foundation 1, who has extreme difficulty playing finger 3 of a 3 note chord. He usually only plays a 2 note chord with finger…

Diminished 7th Chord

I was helping a student with a chord in her accompaniment project today that was F#dim7. The way we figured it out it looks like an FM7. Is there a reason it would be written specifically as a dim chord? The previous chord was F…

Chord Fingering

What about fingering for chords? Sometimes my new students want to play the basic chords with 1, 2, and 5 instead of 1, 3, and 5. I have been trying to get them to do 1, 3, and 5… But maybe it doesn’t matter. Marsha,…

Major 7th and Dominant 7th

I had a student with extensive prior experience ask the difference between a maj 7th and 7th today so I hope this question makes sense. Is Bb the dominant 7th in the key of F? Cmaj7 is C, E, G, B. C7 is C, E,…

I, IV, V and minor keys

Here’s a theory question from a student that has me stumped: are songs in minor keys (like Scarborough Fair) still built on a I, IV, V foundation? Which major chords would one expect to find in a minor key, and why? Intuitively, it seems like…

When are 9th chords taught?

Can anyone tell me if 9th chords are taught in Accompaniment 2? The +9 chord is in Accompaniment 1. Yes, I have the add9 chord from Accompaniment 1, but not the 9th chord. The 9th chord is covered in Blues & Improvisation and can then…