dreams 1

Showing all 3 results in dreams 1

Dreams Arrangements Chord for Small Hands

If a younger student can’t yet manage the second chord of Dreams Arrangement 1, is there a preference in a three-note version? Fingers 123 (shifting 3) throughout or 135 (shifting 3 and 5) with the 9th omitted for now? I think they both work and…

Teaching Capitals & Periods Early

Successful new idea I hit upon with a new group. These are kids on the young side, 6-7. I ended up teaching them just the Capitals & Periods from the Pause Button (Tune Toolkit Project 2) prior to teaching them the rest of that project,…

Learning how to teach Arrangements

I’ve been trying to learn Dreams 1 (aka Family Dreams) so that I can teach it. I have had the dickens of a time trying to figure this out with just the audio. I realize that this is to force us to learn a way…