
Showing all 6 results in holiday

Missed Lessons

I have a family of 2 boys that are giving me problems with missed lessons. In the early spring of this past year the mom didn’t want to pay for missed lessons while they went on vacation so had them quit for the summer rather…

Arrangement Copyright and How It Applies To Public Domain Pieces

Hi all, here is a very important message. As more and more pieces come into Public Domain, we see an emerging number of new arrangements of those pieces being made available. I want to make very clear what Simply Music’s position is regarding Copyright as…

Christmas Accompaniments & Jam Tracks

It’s that time of year again! For any who are interested, here are some Christmas carol accompaniments your students may enjoy: And some orchestral jam tracks for them to play along with: I’ll be adding to the jam tracks every couple of days.…

Practice on Vacation

A student is on a 6-week road trip. His mom just texted, “My piano player has been missing his piano. It is his coping mechanism when the world gets overwhelming. I didn’t realize how much piano helps him. Do you know of general places–besides music…

Royalties question

When we pay our Royalties, what is the purpose of the question “Were there exceptions?”. I think I always say yes, because at the very least there’s a holiday or vacation each month. Is this what’s intended? The Royalties model we use is based on…