
Showing all 3 results in teacher

Scale journey / Value of TFMM

I’m working through Touch of Jazz. Neil mentions using the scale journey to process the notes. Can someone remind me where the scale journey is introduced? Time for More Music? Accompaniment 2? Scale journey is first introduced in TFMM, then expanded on in Accompaniment 2.…

How do your students address you?

Hi, everyone, Iā€™m starting my first classes this week ā€“ yay! I was wondering how you have your younger students address you? By your first name, by Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss Last Name, something else? Hi Tanya, I have asked my young students to call me by my…

Three Leg Pizza Stool

Somewhere in the training or archives, someone mentioned using the analogy of a three legged stool to illustrate the roles we each have (teacher, parent and student) and the importance of each one doing their part. I find this to be very helpful and use…