
Showing 1 - 10 of 16 results in transposing

I-IV-V and Ratios in Accompaniment

I’ve been working on I IV and V on accompaniment 1 programme with some students and was asked these questions which I couldn’t quite answer with confidence. Care to share your experience and thoughts please? So does the I IV and V only work for…

Happy Birthday in Any Key

A teacher asks if Happy Birthday is in the Curriculum. Neil Moore teaches how to play it in any key. How to Play Happy Birthday in Any Key Original video posted March 27, 2017

Accompaniment 2 Transposing

I have an Acc. 2 question, the transposing section. I’ve recently rewatched the TT video and looked at the pdf document for Acc 2. The video just talks about the advantages of learning to transpose and about the process, but not really about the project…

Shoo-Fly LH and Generativity

I’m learning Shoo-Fly. Any thoughts on reminder clues for the LH runs in the second part? It starts on D and goes up, then starts on C and goes up, and both have a black note but in a different spot. I find myself coming…

Songs for Christmas chord inversions

The variations in Songs for Christmas use inversions that my Level 4 students have not yet learned. However, they’re beyond the basic C F & G chords of the simple versions. Should I teach the variations using root position chords, or find a way to…

Accompaniment 1 Project 9

In Accompaniment 1 training video “Processing I, IV, V”, Neil refers to “Project 9” (as in “so Project 9 is to process I, IV, V at a practical level…”). I’ve gone through my notes, am rewatching videos, checked forums including Simpedia, checked the student materials,…

Songs for Children / Songs for Everyone

Some students recently pointed out that the Songs for Children (SFC) book online is different than my older, printed book. The new version only writes the chord when it changes–so if you’re meant to play C several times in a row, it only appears written…

Simple Christmas music

People are asking for Christmas music already. What do you have for around a Level 3 group? They are in the middle of the Accompaniment program right now and then heading into Level 3. I have simple Christmas songs from last year. Is there something…

Happy Birthday

The recent video of Neil teaching Happy Birthday the Simply Music way is fantastic! Easy to remember and transpose in any key, I taught all my students in just a couple minutes yesterday in class and they loved it! Video link: How to Play Happy Birthday in…