web based studio info

Showing all 7 results in web based studio info

Enrollment Form Options

I’m in the process of enrolling my first student and I’m wondering who of you is using the SM enrollment form. I’ve seen two different versions of it. The current one with the teacher’s notes and an older version that has some policies on it.…

Studio Location and Website

Hello dear ones, sharing some marketing info here. I just started a high school student who found me online and picked me because I live close to her school. That was a revelation to me, that living near a school was a benefit. I also…

Release for Online Lessons

I’m changing my enrolment forms to an online version and I’m stuck on how to word the media release section. In the past, the majority of my students declined the usage of photos/videos of students online for marketing purposes. I’m guessing that in other studios,…

Student Images on Social Media

When I enroll students, I ask them to fill out a photo/video release form that provides permission to share images of students playing piano and only first names. However, the majority of my students choose “No” to using them on websites or social media. Do…

Studio Name

Has anyone had issues with choosing a studio name? I just did a Google search for my chosen name, and there’s nothing by that name coming up. Someone has a studio several hours drive away with that name, and there’s also at least one in…

Web based Enrollment and Payments‏

I am wondering if anyone can recommend a web program that teachers can use to have people book into lessons, and also accept payments. I am particularly interested in this type of facility for my babies – school age music groups that I run. Perhaps…