Accompaniment 2 Transposing
Found in: Accompaniment, Curriculum
Patti P., Hawaii
I have an Acc. 2 question, the transposing section. I’ve recently rewatched the TT video and looked at the pdf document for Acc 2. The video just talks about the advantages of learning to transpose and about the process, but not really about the project for the student. Since students have transposed accompaniments going back to fairly early in the Acc 1 book, is this just a similar project with a few more chords beyond I, IV, V? I haven’t seen any specifics on assignments for this project. Have I missed something?
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
Neil goes through the project in the video, but the song in the Reference Book has changed since that taping. It was Silent Night; now it is called “That One Night”, although the chords are identical. I think to avoid any issues with Christian holidays.
That’s the only project for scale tone chords/transposing. Beyond that, teachers are on their own to come up with projects.
Original discussion started April 21, 2019