Deep River – Development Level 14
Found in: Development Levels
Anna J., Canada
A question about the version of Deep River that appears in Development 14: the wavy line under the treble clef notes in the RH – I’ve never seen this before. What does it mean?
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
It’s a glissando, which is a ‘glide’ from one note to another. Often only the starting and ending notes are printed, with the glissando (wavy line) in between. Typically you would drag a finger across the keys from the first note to the ending note. But in this case you can play 5SS very quickly hand over hand, holding the pedal down.
Anna J., Canada
I’m familiar with glissandos. I guess I was thrown off by the fact that the notes are all written in as well. I’ve not seen it that way before. Is that simply for the student’s benefit at this stage?
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
Possibly; but also note that it isn’t a “true” glissando in that all the notes are not consecutive. I think it’s there to give a sense that it SOUNDS like a glissando.