Early childhood music & movement – Neil Moore
Found in: Young Students
Corinne S., Georgia
Is there a SM encouraged/endorsed Early Childhood Music & Movement program? If not, what are some favorites as lead-ins to SM?
Robin Keehn, Washington
Music Rhapsody is our endorsed program. It beautifully integrates pieces from Simply Music throughout to lead seamlessly to Simply Music. It was designed by Lynn Kleiner and me.
Cheri S., Utah
I did the Music Rhapsody training and absolutely love it! Top-notch pedagogy, very fun and age-appropriate. When I have time and money to expand, I’d definitely go this direction.
Neil Moore
Lynn K., California
I love how our young students experience your beautiful piano program through movement, singing, and playing percussion before they learn how to play the piece themselves as an older child, when they will have the maximum success. Here’s a link to the online and live training: https://musicrhapsody.com/teacher-training/