Motivating Junior High-Age Students
Found in: Coaches, Teen Students
Whitney M., Iowa
I was just curious if anyone had any strategies for junior high students (ages 11 or so through 14). I have a class of 6 at this age ready to start level 6 and a couple of them are so quiet and apathetic. I would love to help them feel motivated or excited. Is that possible?
Cindy B., Illinois
Something I’ve noticed, and need the parents to be involved in, is that when a student begins to identify themselves as a pianist they begin to get a lot more motivated. Kids the age you’re talking about will be apathetic when they believe that they’re just doing this piano lesson thing because Mom and Dad insist. It’s kind of a passive resistance thing, because they believe they have no choice. Sometimes the following has been successful for me.
Get the parents to discover ways that their child can perform in various everyday situations – the whole family at Thanksgiving, the church during the offering, the family cookout when other family members have their instruments out and are jamming etc. The more applause and appreciation a musician gets, the more motivated they become. I have a sign up sheet on my bulletin board where a student can fill in the date and occasion of every performance and they absolutely LOVE to fill it in.
Parents can also look for concerts, cds, videos, of professionals playing the piano in real life situations.
As for you, I’d really involve the students in composition – and every single composition is AWESOME. Video performances, even if it’s simply in the studio for the class, and make these videos available online or on a cd. I’ve published in my monthly newsletter the lyrics of a student when they’ve completed a lyrics composition assignment. It helps the student begin to think, wow, I might actually be good at this.