6/9 chord

Showing all 3 results in 6/9 chord

Dark Blue Final Chord

I finally figured out another easy way to remember the final RH chord of the tailpiece of Dark Blue – it is just a rearranged version of the second last RH chord. (the D moved down an octave and then of course the whole chord…

Dark Blue Tailpiece Chords

Can anyone please tell me: what are the chords in the tailpiece of Dark Blue? Pretty sure those chords are Db6/9, Gb13, Cm6/9. So, what Maureen said – 9, 11, 13th chords must include the 7th. With the 6 and 9 added but no 7th,…

Chord Question

Could anyone tell me what a maj9 chord is? Also a 6/9? Let’s just use C for both and please tell me exactly which notes would be played. Thanks! A true Cmaj9 is CEGBD. Maj9 adds the maj7 interval (B in this case) and the…