
Showing all 6 results in dynamics

Absence of Tempo and Expressing Markings

The below question was asked in response to a video Neil posted to help answer a question about what key Dark Blue is in, covered in a separate Simpedia post: https://simpedia.info/what-key-is-dark-blue-in/ Neil Moore hearing Joe’s playing also made me realize you don’t put tempo markings…

Expression and Playing Musically

I have an adult student (currently in Level 3) who sent me the following email and I would like to reply to this: “I would love to have more feedback on how to play better! I am very happy with my classes the following is…

Softer Playing

I have another question dear teachers. A student has asked for advice on how to play softer in the LH to which I have suggested practicing the repertoire p/pp to develop skill in playing softly. Hopefully, with practice, one can then maintain a softer LH…

Lack of expressive instructions in classical pieces

I’m wondering why there are no expression, dynamic, or tempo indications in the written music, particularly on classical pieces. It seems to me that especially by the Development levels, wouldn’t that be important for students and to be faithful to what the composer intended? I…

Difficulty playing slowly

I have a private student, an adult with no previous piano lessons of any kind, who is learning even a lot faster than what I am used to seeing. As an artist, she also loves improvising. I teach her one of the F1 songs and…

Introducing dynamics

When are dynamics introduced? By the end of Level 1 I’m having students work through “how to play” songs they know pretty well. We discuss telling the story of each song with expression. I think it is a conversation you can start having in context…