
Showing all 4 results in forms

Enrollment Form Options

I’m in the process of enrolling my first student and I’m wondering who of you is using the SM enrollment form. I’ve seen two different versions of it. The current one with the teacher’s notes and an older version that has some policies on it.…

Master List of Projects

I’m finding I’m sporadic in assigning projects in all the streams, and in an effort to be more consistent I am trying to plan differently. For my lesson plans/tracking I’m going to use the columns idea someone shared recently with Date, Foundation, Accompaniment, Improv and…

Managing Forms and Students Moving

Students often move around from one Shared Lesson to another, or from a Private Lesson to a Shared. How do you keep your Attendance Sheet to reflect these attendances. Sometimes you start a new group and then people move around for some reason so do…

Getting the Most Out Of Teacher Evaluation Forms

Hi everyone, I have a question about the giving out and filling out of the teacher evaluation forms. I understand the value and importance of introducing the forms at the start of level 1. My question is, once you’ve introduced them, would it be okay…