
Showing 11 - 20 of 29 results in games

Mad Libs Game

I checked out SImpedia and saw the idea of using Mad Libs with Christmas. It sounds super fun, but wonder if anyone could help me with more specific details how you set it up? Just Google “Christmas song Mad Libs” and some pre-made ones will…

Piano parties vs recitals

Piano parties: What do you do to keep them different from just a relaxed recital? Or is a relaxed recital okay? I had 16 students play one or two pieces each, and then we had refreshments. No games or anything. I try to keep mine…

Piano party game: Story telling

Just sharing a piano game I made up. I did it at my piano party and it was a big hit! I had everyone in the audience (students, coaches, and onlookers) come up to the front and stand in two rows to make two teams.…

Ideas for Halloween

Any other fun ideas for Halloween – like the spooky blues song? Or how you might use Halloween treats as incentives this week or next? An oldie but a goodie – having students write spooky lyrics to Chester. Honey Dew progression is Monster Mash. Just…

Webinar Series: 11/20/2017 – Gateway – Q&A with Karen Nisenson

In this webinar you will hear Gateway creator Karen Nisenson speak with teachers about their students, sharing strategies to develop fine motor issues and relate students’ interests to music. Topics include: Teacher Experience with Autistic Students (00:05) Recently Diagnosed Student on the Spectrum (09:31) Connecting…

First piano party

I’m planning my first piano party. Where can I find training or info on what to do? What do I need to consider in finding a location, planning, publicity, everything? We have small informal recitals at senior homes. You could do that and just have…

Tic-tac-toe as a teaching game

As I was just responding to a post about shared lessons and talking about tic-tac-toe, I had another idea for getting more out of that game to solidify playing-based tools. If you are not familiar with how I’ve used the game: I use it sometimes…

Piano party games

What is your favorite piano party game? I need one for tomorrow! Musical chairs. I play at first and the one that is out gets to play next. They love it. Another one is Hangman for their playlist. You can do teams if needed. I…

Using win/lose games

I had kids earn points from cards they picked for playlist check. Some kids started to cry because they didn’t win their cards even with a prep talk about why they should not be so serious about winning or losing a game. Personally I set…

Keeping students focused in group lesson

I am regularly frustrated after my group lesson with 3 boys ages 7-8 years old and one 9-year-old girl. The boys’ attention span just doesn’t seem to last through the lesson. They are so fidgety and eyes are always looking everywhere except where they should…