
Showing all 4 results in homeschoolers

Homeschool Co-op Workshops

I just started a workshop at a homeschool co-op. It is a 50 minute class and almost got cancelled because there were supposed to be 4 to run it. The age range is 8-11 and then after that class was supposed to be one for…

Siblings learning at different paces

I have a group of home schooled students. Three are siblings. The oldest one catches on much quicker, and the youngest one struggles, especially with blues pieces. There is one other student in that group from a different family. If they were all different families,…

Marketing to Homeschoolers

Question to all of you…. anyone having success tapping into the home-school population? I have searched online for organizations, and the few that I found did not respond to my request to advertise. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. I belong to a preschool…