
Showing all 8 results in order

Squidgies Boogie order

Please help with Squidgies Boogie (Foundation 4). In the training videos, Neil Moore refers to the altered 12 bar blues in the teacher notes, but I don’t see the 12 bars listed in my teacher notes page. He says the second measure stays as I.…

Order of introducing arrangements

In Arrangements 1, are we supposed to give students all of the arrangements for one piece before moving to the 1.1 arrangement of the next piece? I’m a bit lost on the order of introduction of these. I have all students who started with me…

Students having difficulty with the order of Night Storm

I seem to be having increasing numbers of students struggling to put Night Storm together in the correct order between the lesson at which it teach it and the next lesson. Have other had this problem, and what’s your strategy to overcome it? I watched…

Song “List”… Order to teach songs, variations, etc.

I am trying to compile my own, but would LOVE to see if anyone has a “list” of the order in which they teach foundation songs… add in variations, arrangements and the other streams! The further I get in to this AMAZING music… I’m needing…

Variations and Arrangements

I’ve seen a number of related thoughts on this in Simpedia but I was curious to hear what the general consensus was: Better to introduce variations and arrangements as early as possible in order to keep students familiar with the idea that the program is not only about…

Chat – Justifying Arrangements

Gordon (Aus)  The first part of this presentation will be mostly my pre-written notes. We’ll have time for questions after then. This chat is about introducing, justifying and ordering arrangements. We can get into specifics of presenting individual pieces at the next session [More Teaching Arrangements].…

Order of Projects‏, Lesson Planning and Multiple Projects

I was reading in Simpedia  about Managing Time in lessons. I copied down a list (partially shown below) that suggested the order to teach SM projects. I noticed that I may be moving through Accompaniments too fast. I think I spend too much time on accompaniment and…