Neil’s TEDxTalk
Hi all, I wanted to let you know that my TEDxTalk has been approved for public release, and is now Live on YouTube. Over the years, many people have said to me that I should do a TEDTalk about Simply Music. And whilst promoting oneself…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- applying PB strategies to music, benefits, benefits of piano lessons, brain health, brains and patterns, communicating benefits, comparing traditional to Simply Music, competing methods, creativity, critical neurological nutrition, developing creativity, developing musicality, expression, FIS, free information session, future of simply music, How music can future proof your brain, info session, information session, method, method comparisons, methodology, methods, music making species, musical expression, musicality, musicianship, natural musicality, natural musicianship, Neil Moore, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), neurological nutrition, other methods, PB, playing-based, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, profoundly musical, self expression, simply music, Simply Music Philosophy, Simply Music's value, talking about Simply Music, TED Talk, TEDTalk, TEDx Talk, TEDxTalk, traditional vs. Simply Music, trust the method, trusting the method
Looking at Hands While Playing
A new adult student with a small amount of previous experience told me that it’s hard for her to watch her hands because she took a beginning piano class in college with a teacher who insisted that students never look at their hands and would…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- comparing traditional to Simply Music, eyes on hands, eyes on sheet music, eyes on the page, look at hands, look at sheet music, looking at hands, looking at page, looking at sheet music, looking at the page, outside reading knowledge, PB, playing-based, playing-based while reading, previous reading knowledge, prior reading experience, RB, reading, reading concerns, reading music, reading problems, reading process, reading program, reading-based, sight reading, SM vs traditional, source from the page, source instructions from the page, starting SM with traditional students, student wants only to read, students that already read music, students who already read, tracking the page, traditional, traditional background, traditional experience, traditional student, traditional students, traditional students to SM, traditional to Simply Music, traditional vs. Simply Music, traditional vs. simply music reading, traditionally trained, transitioning into SM, transitioning students, transitioning to SM, transitioning traditional students, using playing-based tools while reading, watch hands, watch sheet music, watching hands, watching page, watching sheet music, watching the page
Incorporating More Music Theory
Looking for advice from the music theory nerds in our community. I’d like to incorporate more theory for some of my teens and students in higher levels. What do you use? Books? Online tools? This is for students in levels 7 and up, who are…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 2-5-1, 2-5-1 chord progression, 7th chords, alternative perspective of scale, chord progression, chord progressions, chord theory, circle of 5ths, circle of fifths, dominant 7, dominant 7th, dominant 7ths, ear training, integrated theory, intervals, jazz chords, key chords, major 7, major 7th, major 7ths, minor 7, minor 7th, minor 7ths, naturally occuring 3s and 4s, naturally occurring chords, naturally occurring notes, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), NO 3 & 4, NO34, PB, playing-based, relative key, relative major, relative minor, relevant, role of scale, root chords, root position, scale, scale formula, scale theory, scale tone chords, scales, theory, theory workshop, transcribing, transcribing composition
Simply Music for Guitar
I recently met a local guitar instructor who is considering becoming a SM teacher but also apply the SM ideas/tools as much as possible to guitar. To what extent have any of you been able to do this with guitar? Obviously many principles like CTE…
Patterns in the Reference Book
Yesterday a coach asked me a question I really did not know the answer to fully. I promised I’d ask the ECL. Here goes: How important/crucial is it for students to fully understand the written patterns in the reference book and be able to explain…
Complex Rhythms
Help me with teaching more complex rhythm. I’ve listened to the Reading Rhythm program multiple times but I feel like I’m missing something. With The Mirron, for example, there’s a lot of rhythm going on. The way I am used to figuring it out is…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- audio materials, audio recording, Audio recordings, audio SHMs, complex rhythm, control the events, controlling the events, counting, counting rhythms, CTE, difficult rhythm, external speaker, external speakers, feeling rhythm, feet, foot, Gordon Harvey, High Five, humming along, improving rhythm skills, jazz audio track, jazz rhythm, Jazz rhythms, Laurie Richards, layer, layering, listening to audio recordings, listening to the audio recordings, once at the latin, playing along with audio, playing with audio tracks, playing-based, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, playing-based while reading, processing rhythm, processing rhythms, reverse engineer, reverse engineering, rhythm, rhythm audio, rhythm difficulty, singing, singing along, single thought process, single thought processes, speakers, speaking instructions out loud, STP, tap feet, tapping, tapping feet, tapping sdq, teaching rhythm, The Mirron, using audio recordings, using audio tracks, using playing-based tools while reading, using the audio recordings to learn songs, using the Jazz Recording, voice, voicing rhythms with words, written rhythm
Hedwig’s Theme from Harry Potter
I have a 10 yr old girl student at level one – we’re coming up to Fur Elise and she wanted to learn to play piano so she could play Harry Potters theme. She has now with the help of internet video and her mother…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- accompaniment, chords, developing generative skills, generative, generative learning, generative students, generative tools, Harry Potter, Hedwig's Theme, learning the melody, melody, playing-based, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, self generating, self generative, self-generate, self-generation, simplified melody, teaching melody
Outside Music from School
I have a class of 5 middle-schoolers who love music, and are trying to do every musical activity available to them. They are in Level 3. A couple of them are in the school band (actually an orchestra), and a couple of them are joining…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- expectation, expectations, high school, high school jazz band, managing expectations, middle school, outside materials, outside music, outside pieces, outside reading pieces, outside sheet music, parent expectation, parental expectations, pieces outside the program, playing-based, playing-based arrangements, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, public school, public schools, reading expectations, reading outside Simply Music, school, school band, school jazz band, school music, school orchestra, songs outside the repertoire, talking about expectations, teaching outside music
When Students Want to Learn Other Music
What is the best way to handle when students request or bring in other music? I think this might have been a topic a while back! A girl brought in a pop song the other day and asked if she could learn it! I’ve never…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- accompaniment, fragmenting, fragments, Gordon Harvey, outside accompanimnent pieces, outside materials, outside music, outside pieces, outside reading pieces, outside repertoire, outside sheet music, pieces outside the program, playing-based, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, reading outside Simply Music, rote, songs outside the repertoire, teaching outside music
Ideas to Teach Happy Birthday
Hi everyone. I’ve had two students request to learn the Happy Birthday song. Any suggestions…SM method? I briefly came up with one but wondering if anyone else has a tried and true version to share? So easy and fun. I do not tell them what…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- cross pollinating, cross pollination, cross-pollinate, Happy Birthday, Minuet in G, Minuet in G Level 2, Minuet in G LH, Minuet patterns, playing-based, playing-based arrangements