reading problems

Showing all 6 results in reading problems

Greensleeves Triplets?

Transcribing question: in the score for Greensleeves, do the eighth notes in the RH have to be written in groups of 3 because of the 6/8 time signature? Rather than the groups of 4 we have been used to seeing in RR? Yes, because in…

Father to Son Leger Lines

Question about “Father to Son” in Development Level 16, that is not addressed in the teacher recording. My students and I have a hard time reading the music because it is difficult to see where the staff ends and the leger lines begin. Has anyone…

Music Book to Understand Dotted Notes

Quite relieved after todays lesson with my 7 year old. It is my first time ever to take someone that young through RR. She was previously doing well till we started dotted notes last week and she found them really confusing though the RR material…

Webinar Series: 08/15/2017 – Piano – Maximizing Success with the Reading Program

In this webinar Neil describes how the the Simply Music Reading Program was developed and shares insights into getting the best results from this part of the Curriculum. Topics include: Evolution of the Simply Music Reading Program (00:00) Critical Readiness Elements for Students (10:17) Creating…