
Showing 11 - 14 of 14 results in retention


What tangible practices have you instigated to ensure the success of students staying long term with you? I have students in level 3 with me now but I want more to stay with me longer. I have allowed parents to ‘have-a-go’ at lessons but I…

Request vs Requirement Based Studios

December 2006 Neil came over to Australia for a series of workshops and spoke about the difference between Require and Request. This was a rather large insight for me. Although I knew where Neil was coming from and could appreciate it, I did wonder how…

The Relationship Conversation and Student Retention

My musical experience began 5 years ago when I entered a new career in life and attended a SM teachers training workshop. Six months later I became a Licensed SM teacher. One week later I started teaching the method to 3 new students. My teaching…

Domestic Situations for Students

Having had a hunch about something for a while, I took a look at the history of my student body and discovered some things. Of all my discontinued students who were children, 9 out of 20 had parents who were divorced or separated. Some were…