root chords
Incorporating More Music Theory
Looking for advice from the music theory nerds in our community. I’d like to incorporate more theory for some of my teens and students in higher levels. What do you use? Books? Online tools? This is for students in levels 7 and up, who are…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 2-5-1, 2-5-1 chord progression, 7th chords, alternative perspective of scale, chord progression, chord progressions, chord theory, circle of 5ths, circle of fifths, dominant 7, dominant 7th, dominant 7ths, ear training, integrated theory, intervals, jazz chords, key chords, major 7, major 7th, major 7ths, minor 7, minor 7th, minor 7ths, naturally occuring 3s and 4s, naturally occurring chords, naturally occurring notes, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), NO 3 & 4, NO34, PB, playing-based, relative key, relative major, relative minor, relevant, role of scale, root chords, root position, scale, scale formula, scale theory, scale tone chords, scales, theory, theory workshop, transcribing, transcribing composition
Chord Fingering
What about fingering for chords? Sometimes my new students want to play the basic chords with 1, 2, and 5 instead of 1, 3, and 5. I have been trying to get them to do 1, 3, and 5… But maybe it doesn’t matter. Marsha,…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- +9 chords, adapting fingering, add9 chords, alternate fingering for chords, building chords, chord, chord alterations, chord fingering, chord placement, chord strategies, chord structure, chords, family chords, figuring out fingering, finger, finger adaptations, finger positions, fingering, fingering chords, fingers, forming chords, learning chords, playing chords, root chords
Major 7th and Dominant 7th
I had a student with extensive prior experience ask the difference between a maj 7th and 7th today so I hope this question makes sense. Is Bb the dominant 7th in the key of F? Cmaj7 is C, E, G, B. C7 is C, E,…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- 7th chords, accomp, Accompaniment, accompaniment 1, accompaniment program, building chords, chord theory, chords, discovering chords, dominant 7, dominant 7th, extended chords, forming chords, identifying chords, inheriting chords, key, learning chords, major 7, major 7ths, major scale, playing chords, root chords, scale, scale theory, scales, theory, voicing chords
Chord Voicing
How would you answer this question from a parent? “Why does the way we learn 7th chords only have 3 notes? To make a F#m7, isn’t that an A chord?” I’m very comfortable with the practical application of the voicing idea between the notes over both…
- Last updated 5 years ago
- 7th chords, accomp, Accompaniment, accompaniment 1, accompaniment program, chord diagrams, chord inversions, chord strategies, chord structure, chord theory, chord voicings, chords, defending accompaniment, extended chords, forming chords, identifying chords, inheriting chords, Laurie Richards, learning chords, playing chords, playing-based, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, root chords, shortcuts, theory, trick, tricks, voicing chords
Accompaniment 1 – Root Chords
My query is on the subject of Accompaniment. Half my studio have just started Acc1 and everyone is wanting to learn a song of their choice. I notice with a lot of popular music that there are full of chord inversions and we have only…
- Last updated 10 years ago
- accompaniment, chord inversions, root chords, split chords