sharps and flats
Game Ideas for Buggzart cards
Pick 1, 2 or 3 cards — create a melody with these notes Pick a card: For non readers: teacher can point to the key and student can name a song that has this note in it Pick a Card, name a song that has…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- 3-note improv, arpeggios, buggzart cards, C&I, chord games, chord progressions, chord voicings, chords, comp & improv, comp and improv, composition, composition projects, finding I IV V in all keys, games, I-IV-V, I-IV-V chords, identifying notes on keyboard, identifying notes on piano, identifying notes on staff, identifying written notes, inversions, musical games, naming keys, naming notes, note naming, playlist games, scales, sharps and flats, teaching scale, transposing, triads, writing notes
Major vs. Minor Intervals
I had a question today from a student beginning “Reading Notes”. He was working with the playlist as intervals. He wanted to know what you would call a sharped or flattened note. I told him that it would be the same interval as the natural…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- billy at the footy, flats, Gordon Harvey, half steps, intervallic, intervallic reading, intervals, major 7, major 7ths, major intervals, major vs. minor, major vs. minor intervals, minor intervals, Playlist as Intervals, question, Questioners, second, sharps, sharps and flats, teaching half and whole steps, teaching half steps, whole steps
Key Signature Flat Not Played
Having trouble wording an answer for a student. He’s perceptive and quick, and he asked me today why there’s a flat in the key signature for First Signs of Winter when there is never actually a B played in the song. How would you explain…
- Last updated 4 years ago
- family analogy, First Signs of Winter, flats, FSOW, key, key signature, Laurie Richards, major vs. minor, minor keys, sharps and flats
0246135 Order
Have a random question about 0246135 in Accompaniment 2 (I checked simpedia and here before posting): What is the reason we go in the particular order of notes on the keyboard by skipping up to F# from E and back down to its natural scale…
- Last updated 3 years ago
- 0246135, geography of keyboard, key, key names, key naming, key signature, keyboard geography, major scale, Neil Moore, Neil's Responses (YouTube Videos), scale, scale formula, scale theory, scales, sharps and flats, teaching scale
Transcribing Music in All Keys?
I have a quick question, am wondering if anyone can help me…. If we have students writing, writing, writing through RR and RN, then, how do they keep writing when they want to write their music in a key that is not C? (and not…
- Last updated 10 years ago
- generative students, Gordon Harvey, key signature, reading, sharps and flats, Time for More Music, transcribing