teaching very young students
Dreams Arrangements Chord for Small Hands
If a younger student can’t yet manage the second chord of Dreams Arrangement 1, is there a preference in a three-note version? Fingers 123 (shifting 3) throughout or 135 (shifting 3 and 5) with the 9th omitted for now? I think they both work and…
Simply Music Rhapsody Explanation
Simply Music Rhapsody was created for Simply Music by educator Lynn Kleiner. It is an Early-Childhood Music and Movement program and begins at birth. The focus is really joyful, playful music making with absolute purpose and intention at the heart. Parents get to experience and…
Lesson Length for Young Students
I’m starting a small 5/6 yr old group. I’m thinking of having it be 20 min instead of my normal 25-30. Any thoughts? I would have it be the regular time but tell the parents there may be some weeks that will be done early…
Stool for Young Students
Those of you who teach very young children (age 5-6), do you use a special kind of stool for them that is different from what older students or adults use? I have 2 piano stools, the one I use for very little children is a…
Readiness to Learn
Is there any such thing as readiness in the Simply Music process? I am teaching a very bright little girl who is 6, but she is struggling even with the five fingers over five notes after 6 lessons. She can play the right hand of…
Starting age for Simply Music students
I am curious to know what age you start Simply Music from generally. I read somewhere, quite a while ago now, that someone started a 3-year-old in the program. I think there’s a Teacher Workshop or a recorded phone call about assessing children for readiness…