Teacher Starts Round Robin
Found in: Practicing & Playlists, Studio Management
Ruth P., North Carolina
I tried a little something this morning in my group lesson that worked well. We’re in F4 and to review the play list, we did a round robin STARTING WITH ME and only playing the first phrase. It seemed to give them some security to SEE it played accurately first before they tried. It also set a reasonable tempo which they tried to follow. I switched the camera to each person as they played the phrase. Playing the first phrase only also didn’t take too much time from the lesson.
Ian B., California
Yes. This type of “round robin” has also worked well for me. Especially after a song is completed, I’ll have each student in the class “pass the baton” playing one section or phrase at a time. It feels much more collaborative and tests students ability to not have to start from the beginning 😎👍
Laurie Richards, Nebraska
I do this sometimes for repertoire review online. I call it Repertoire Relay.
Original discussion started March 15, 2021