Trying to Grow My Studio- What am I Doing Wrong?
Found in: About Business, Marketing & Advertising
Elza T., Texas
I’m reading all the success stories how most of you are enrolling so many students you have to put them on waiting lists.
I’m very happy to read about this but in the mean time I would like to know how it’s happening.
I have a few students who are very happy with the Simply Music program -never missed one lesson and they are trying very hard to bring in new students from “word of mouth”. They’ve given my business cards to friends, my flyers to the church, presenting a little concert in front of friends and family. I also have, at least in my opinion, a very nice website. I’ve tried street signs, putting my flyers on every school in the area – nothing happened and when I’ve stopped people on the street and talk to them they listen very politely, pick up my card , but never call me back.
So what am I doing wrong? It’s frustrating.
Brigitte L., Canada
I was in the same situation for my first six months and I was about to consider to stop trying at Christmas. My wonderful husband convinced me to delay my decision until the summer. I was not a piano teacher prior to being licensed. I only had two students in the Fall and could not seem to get anymore from word of mouth, hand-delivered flyers (over 800) and a nice web site. I actually invested in publicity last November. I started with a 1/2 page advertorial ($400) delivered to 8000 mailboxes around my subdivision. I received 4 students out of it. I also advertised in a local newspaper in the registration section for two weeks in January ($500) and received three other students.
I have also optimized my website to be found by search engines (Search Engines Optimization (SEO)). In the last month, I got three more students through local web search. Last week, I was invited by the local TV (Rogers TV) to do a 10 minute interview during a live mid-afternoon Talk Show. The co-hosts found my website (thanks to SEO!) and were curious about the Simply Music method. I don’t think many people watch local TV so I don’t expect a big publicity out of it. I still plan on putting the segment link to my website to give my site more credibility. Have you tried to contact your local TV? They may be interested to host you and it is a free publicity opportunity.
My student population is still not where I want it to be yet but it is increasing steadily! I had to convince myself that I had to accept income deficit in the first year to aim for long term gain (I understand that it is not possible for everyone to do so). I have been told to be patient when starting a new business as it usually takes at least one year to become known. I no longer think about quitting. I love the method but must agree the business part is not easy. I wish you all the best and don’t give up!
Cate R., Australia
I’m not sure how long you have been teaching but it is hard to compare yourself with other teachers and very hard on yourself. A full studio might mean 10 or 100, it depends on the teachers personal circumstances. I have a full studio at 25 students now with a waiting list. I didn’t start off with that number but had nine continuing from my first year, 15 continuing from my second year and 19 continuing from my third year. I have had other students come and go and at present many students have landed in private lessons as there wasn’t a partner to place them with when their own shared lesson disbanded. I have a full studio as I have no time slots available but as you can see it wasn’t always the case. For my first year I kept my ‘Other’ job. My goal for next year is to have all students placed back in group lessons because as busy as I am this year with study, I know next year will be even busier.
I can see that you are doing all the ‘right’ things towards your studio; I also have a $50 credit awarded to my students if they recommend someone and they sign on with me and start lessons. Sometimes call backs take a year to get back to you. I have a street sign outside my yard and I’m constantly hearing things like ‘I’ve been meaning to give you a call’ or ‘my daughter been nagging me for a year’ or ‘ I have just retired and have finally gotten around to calling you.’ We don’t know what’s going on with people either, sometimes they do start and not continue because they have made no room in their lives for practice time or lessons. Have you thought about ‘have a go’ workshops or ‘bring a friend day’ and teach all new comers ‘Ode to Joy’.
As teaching from the future asks “what is it we can’t see that is getting in our way? What’s in the way of you having your future happen now?”