Forte Program
Found in: Other Methods
Heather M. AU
I have had a FIS with a student and parent from the “Forte School of Music”. Just checked their website and there are a few similarities in approach and marketing.
The family has moved from the area where the school is located, and Mum is checking out Simply Music as an alternative.The seven year old could read and play a piece she had been learning, but could not play from memory, which is one of their salient points.
They use the “do re mi fa so la ti” syllables for learning pitch (up the C scale) and children are taught this from an early age.
I think they were quite impressed that we learn to play from memory.
Has anyone had any experience with students from this method? If so, do you have any advice?
Jo D. AU
My experience with this method was several years ago when I taught traditionally. I had two brothers who came in and could play some good sounding songs from memory but couldn’t read a note. They did have a good ear for music so that might be something that the method develops best. I had to take them right back to the beginning (unfortunately I didn’t know about SM back then.
You would have to start at beginning with SM and make sure you don’t play things first I think as they would rely on their ear too much.