Relocating studio
Found in: Studio Setup
Sue L., California
Have any of you teachers ever relocated and started your teaching business from scratch in a new area? How did it go? What about moving just far enough that it alters the student base? I’m not planning on moving, but whenever I consider it, I wonder what the effect would be. I’d love to hear your experience and wisdom on the subject.
Francine V., Australia
I’ve just moved in the last few months, 20 minutes away. I wasn’t sure what would happen with my students, but they have all stayed except one.
Sherrie A., California
I just moved to a new state a few months ago and am struggling to build up again. Maybe I should have waited to try until after I was more settled and more connected here. I’m ending up with private lessons since I can’t get enough people at one time, and when I’ve tried to wait to form groups people keep disappearing.
Heidi M., Canada
I moved 20 minutes closer to town. I lost one student but gained 20 over the period of one year. I have the same struggle with forming groups as Sherrie described. But overall I am happy with my new situation.
I think it takes courage to move far away and start from scratch. If I were to do that I might consider initially teaching at a local music store where they do the marketing for you. Or have a website with reviews from my former students. I have not done either of those but might consider it if I had to move farther away.
Jacqui G., Canada
Last year we moved from a rural town (population 3,000) to a city of 20,000. I decided to give myself a year to get settled. The year is up and I am hoping to reopen my studio in January. I will be teaching in my home, so the first step is to set up my studio/office, and the second step is to start playing the piano again and get up to speed on SM curricula. But the real challenge will be finding students on an extremely small advertising budget. My husband says I am my best advertisement, so I have been chatting people up wherever I go, and have a couple of adult prospects already.