Setting rules in shared lessons
Found in: Shared Lessons
Kym N., California
I wonder if any of you have a set of shared lessons classroom “rules” (let’s say 3 to 5) for learning behavior management. Like you make these rules visible, or you have students recite them at the beginning of the lesson initially until they know them well. These rules are to help the class time to run more efficiently or to minimize inappropriate actions during the lessons.
Cheri S., Utah
I have just two rules: focus and respect.
These cover pretty much anything–being distracted, moving away from the group, looking at your phone, saying something mean (I’ve never had this actually happen), talking while someone else is talking or playing, roughness with the piano or other supplies, etc.
Jacqui G., Canada
(photo of a sign)
Be Prompt
Be Prepared
Be Positive
Be Productive
Be Polite
Amy L., California
For the two-rule idea (focus and respect), I might change “respect” to “support”. I want my students to be actively involved in creating community for one another.