What special and supplemental programs correspond with Foundation levels?
Found in: Supplemental Programs
Marsha L., Virginia
Does anyone have an outline of what special and supplemental programs they have students purchase with each level? I am going to do my first FIS next weekend with my current students, and I want to give parents an accurate expectation of how much they will spend on materials their first year as it will be drastically different from what they are used to. I have seen the chart by SM that suggests when to add the special programs, but some of the supplemental ones look great too, and I would like to be up front about all the costs so there are no surprises.
I’m also trying to get an idea of how quickly the average student goes through the first four levels. I have seen different things (two a year, three a year, even four a year. Just wondering what your experience is with your students.
Kerry V., Australia
I don’t tell them the ‘average’ cost. What I do tell them is that costs may vary from $10-$35 for the digital SHMs only. I do my best to let them know in advance when they may be coming up to a new program. No one has ever had a problem with this.
Marsha L., Virginia
I guess I don’t need to be so specific. I was just worried that people might be upset at how often they have to purchase materials if I didn’t let them know the yearly cost up front.
I would love to hear which supplemental programs you use. I’m feeling tempted to buy everything, even though I’m already overwhelmed with the core curriculum!
Kerry V., Australia
I’d go slowly if I were you. Go into the next program you are ready for and also get into the ‘Playing in the Moment’ and ‘Practice for Busy People’ (in the Creative Coaching series). They can all be purchased in time. Don’t overdo it.
Corinne S., Georgia
I haven’t been with SM very long, but with my students, it varies wildly depending on the student. Some pick it up the first time through, others seem to plod along methodically, and several are in the middle range. One new student has made it through Foundation 1 and corresponding arrangements in around 3 months. In the same time, another is half as far, and a third is still working on Night Storm. I really see a difference when anxiety, health issues, and student maturity (sometimes) play a role. There are too many variables for a good average. Like Neil often says, “It takes as long as it takes”.
I tell students/parents that students progress more quickly than with traditional methods, but that we’ll probably be purchasing new materials every few months and they’ll have sufficient warning. Some teachers start a new Foundation and special program at the same time, which I’m finding helpful (so Foundation 2 and Accompaniment might be purchased together).