Traditional Method vs. Simply Music
Found in: Other Methods
Carrie L. Michigan
I had an adult come for a FIS today. He was very eager to start piano and has never had piano lessons or played any kind of instrument before. He said that he felt it would be something fun to do and that he saw way too many unused pianos around and thought someone (he) should learn to play them so they could be played.
When he came he said that he had called some traditional teachers to hear what they had to offer and see how they compared to Simply Music. We’d already spoken for a bit on the phone and he’d also looked at my website and the main website so he had a pretty good idea of what SM was about before he talked to them.
Anyway, he said he called three teachers and all of them basically were not interested in teaching him. One told him that piano was like football and that some people were good at football and others were not. The ones that were not, but really wanted to play football, played and played and really weren’t any good and weren’t getting any better at it even though they were really trying hard… and even though it was painful for them and they tried they really didn’t have the aptitude for it.
The teacher likened playing the piano to football and she was basically in essence telling him that he really wouldn’t have the ability to play.
Each teacher he called said basically the same thing, that it was too late. Since he’s never played an instrument before and can’t read music, that it was pretty much futile and a waste for him to start piano lessons.
Needless to say he signed up tonight and is starting next week!! I told him to think about some people that he thinks could have a shared lesson with him and he thought about it hard and said he would work on that!