Discussing tuition at initial phone call
Found in: Fees Rates & Cost, Free Introductory Session
Sharon M, Wyoming
I am just going to start to get the word out about teaching Simply Music, and then I will have an introductory session. My question is, what if people call and want to know how much it costs? Do you tell them the cost, or tell them to come to the first session and find out more about the program?
Joy O., Alabama
Different SM teachers have different takes on this question. I do tell them the price up front. I include it the Neil Moore says to do–I think it’s in the training called Talking to People. I say that it’s by the month and the same every month, so you can budget, and even in there are 5 lessons in a month, you don’t pay any more. Then I try to engage them with a question about the student–what age, what previous experience–anything to continue the conversation. I bring in what an amazing method it is, and I try to get them to commit to attend the FIS. If price is their first (or early) question, then they may be concerned that they can’t afford it. As a consumer, if I ask the price and get someone who doesn’t want to answer, I wonder that it’s too expensive for me and I lose interest.
Susan M., Canada
I don’t tell the price right away. I tell them I’m happy to tell them the price, but that I prefer that they hear about the program first, and the results that are achieved, how it differs, etc, and that it’s comparable to other music studios. If they ask again, I tell them the price. Most don’t ask again because they want to know about the program.
Leeanne I., Australia
If people call and want to know how much it costs, I tell them. They are either teacher shopping and say “I’ll get back to you” or they need to budget for lessons. Those that need to budget will sign up for their Free Introductory session.
Joanne D., Australia
I would recommend getting yourself a website and have all your information on there. When you get calls, it will be from people who know the cost and some general information and are serious and not just shopping around. If people ask prices, I think you need to tell them as this may be a deal breaker for some of them.
Marsha L., Virginia
As a consumer, I really appreciate the price being clearly stated or listed on the website so that’s how I do it.
Joanne C., Australia
I never give my prices out over the phone. They must be prepared to attend an FIS because they need to understand what they are investing in first.