Dog Variation
Found in: Arrangements & Variations
Cheryl G., Pennsylvania
I came up with a lovely soulful variation or arrangement, perhaps, on ‘Dog’ by using a zigzag LH. I’ll try to describe it.
With sentence one of dog, the LH would play C (one octave below middle C) with the first note of the sentence, then B with the last note of the sentence.
With sentence 2, the LH would play C with the first note of the sentence, then B-flat with the next to last note of the sentence.
With sentence 3, the LH can play C and A together (interval of a 6th) with the first note of the sentence.
With sentence 4, the LH can play a chord, C-F-A-flat with the first note of the sentence (D).
That’s the end of the first verse.
In the 2nd verse, the LH will do the same thing, but in the RH I varied it to EDEFG instead of CDEFG.
RH for ‘boy was that dog weird’ is changed to GFEDE.
On the word ‘weird’, the LH can play, in order, C then G then B, and the RH can follow with a B and E played together an octave above middle C (making a CM7 chord).
If you play it slowly and use the pedal it sounds very nice i think.