Fur Elise C section, LH fingering
Found in: Foundation Songs, Musicality, Pedaling, Technique
Carol P., South Carolina
Is there a significant advantage to using fingers 321 beginning with the 3 as opposed to beginning the first count with finger 1 (132132132) in the left hand of Fur Elise in Foundation Level 7?
Stephen R., California
I just tried it. I find 321321 easier, particularly at the transitions to the double LH notes, the A octave and the B flats.
Brenda D., Colorado
I also find the 321 numeric pattern easier to remember.
Kym N., California
I have had 4 students (no traditional background) finish the whole original Fur Elise recently. I feel that it takes good technique training for students to play this piece well. It is not simple, like only playing the right notes. I feel a little inadequate in teaching this piece to the students to achieve a very good quality playing. And I am looking for ways to achieve that.
Leeanne I., Australia
I find that watching what Neil Moore does in the demonstration video of the piece helps me with technique. Though I don’t worry about it too much until I am completely sure that the student understands ‘what to play’ (the notes).
Unmani U., Australia
My body gets more legato feel from the rolling motion of 321 than the more uncontrolled staccato of just, say, the pointer finger. Good question.
Michelle H., Australia
I’m in the depths of learning Fur Elise in F7 as a student. I use the 123 counting and I’m not really aware of which finger number I start with, but I’ve just started to train myself to use the rolling three fingers. I couldn’t do it until I had a better grasp of what to play in the right hand.