Gift certificates for lessons
Found in: Marketing & Advertising
Suzie W., Australia
I’ve just been contacted by someone who would like to buy his wife a term of piano lessons for Christmas. Just wondering if there are in existence any gift certificate templates anywhere. Also, how would something like this work with the buying of student home materials? Any ideas on what others have done would be helpful too.
Heidi M., Canada
I’ve been wondering the same, but also thought about the need for the recipient to be willing to agree to the terms and approach of SM which is so radically different. It may work well if the person who got the certificate already knew about SM and knew they wanted that kind of lessons, not traditional style.
Joanne D., Australia
I have had a husband contact me for lessons for his wife and himself and just sent him an invoice for 3 lessons. Once he pays I will email the details for him to purchase the Level 1 materials. He is going to do a gift certificate or whatever he wants to give to his wife. I don’t provide a gift certificate.
Leeanne I., Australia
I have given out gift certificates for Christmas and Mother’s Day. Only one student made it to Level 2. One student lasted one lesson! Sometimes the thought is there (from the family) but not really what the recipient wants. Just be prepared for that. You could make out the certificate for lessons and have the husband buy the SHM separately. He could print them out and wrap them with the certificate.