Hand position on blues chords
Found in: Blues, Musicality, Pedaling, Technique
Joy O., Alabama
A student asked me if it is okay for her to pull her hand back a bit when switching between chords. She’s learning Alma Mater Blues. Is this a technique no-no, or is it okay? This is on CAGE chords and also on the shift from I-IV-V in the 12-bar blues.
Robin T., China
I don’t believe it is a problem to do so. I tend to do it myself a little to accommodate the compression of 1 & 5 from a standard 5th hand position to make a 4th.
Cate R., Australia
Is she pulling her hand back so she can see the keys?
Joy O., Alabama
Yes, she says it helps her see the keys. Also she has to pull her fingers out from between the black keys.
Christine W., Kansas
Yes, it’s natural to pull fingers out when moving from the IV CAGE chord to the I, and also from the IV Bishop Street Blues chords to the I. This is preferred versus twisting the right hand sideways to reach the black key with the thumb.