Homeschool Student Evaluations
Found in: Homeschooling, Studio Management
Robin B. Tennessee
I have a homeschool student who’s mother has asked me to evaluate/grade her on her progress to be turned in as credit. I have not encountered this so far, and wondered if anyone has created an evaluation form or anything to assist in the grading process. My student didn’t have anything to supply me with and simply said that I should write up something for her to turn in. But, I just wondered if anyone (especially some of you teachers who are also Homeschool Moms) might be able to assist me. No use in reinventing the wheel if someone has already done it! Thanks in advance for sharing!
Hilary C. AU
Perhaps use the assessment form Neil has given us to work out what a student knows from non-SM lessons, and go from there using the results to create an a level.
If you hand out level completion certificates, perhaps she could use those – with a curriculum outline that states what’s been achieved in each level.
Diane C. California
I would like to hear more on this as well! As a start I suggested they use the playlist as an evaluation. It shows consistency in their practice and at the end of the quarter, semester or month they can do a self-evaluation on how well they know the piece. They could use the playlist assessment form found on the Simply Music website (teacher created materials) and self grade each piece with a 1-5.
Debbie V.
As a homeschool mom I have had to do this for my kids in their outside lessons we have considered school subjects. I agree completely with Diane about keeping the playlist that is dated to show consistent practice and regular quarterly evaluations. To give the student a grade I look at the playlist and give an “A” for each week that the practice was done for five days, a “B” for four days, etc. Then I look at the evaluations. If the majority of the songs (all but the newest ones) are a five consistently they also get an “A” in that area. If the songs are a four they get a “B” and if songs are a three they get a “C” and a lecture! I then average the weekly grades and give the quarterly grades more weight to come up with the report card grade. The parent should be responsible for this grading then maybe discuss the grade with you to see if you agree. I hope this helps. My WARNING!!!! Don’t let the homeschooling parent push all this work off on you! They will try to, but they are the life coach and this is their job! Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions.