Studio Management
Questions to Remember Pieces
I think sometimes students do mindless repetition for practice without breaking it down in such a way that the brain retains the piece. I had a student today who struggles with remembering her pieces so we just slowly went through a series of questions and…
- Last updated 4 months ago
- aural cues, bad memory, cognitive understanding, conscious learning, deliberate practice, key names, key naming, LAWOL, learning, learning a new way of learning, learning a way of learning, learning from SHMs, learning from video, learning note names, learning strategies, learning tools, learning tools and strategies, listing learning tools and strategies, memorization, memorizing, memorizing harder pieces, memorizing pieces, memorizing songs, memory, memory issues, memory muscle, memory problem, mindfulness, muscle memory, naming keys, naming notes, naming the keys, note names, note naming, overcoming memory problems, playing-based strategies, playing-based tools, remember, remembering, remembering arrangements, remembering patterns, remembering variations, single thought process, single thought processes, STP, strategies, tips on remembering arrangements, tool, tools, tools and strategies
Scents in Studios
Do other teachers have rules on strong scents in their studios? I have an adult that swims ahead of our lessons and the chlorine smell bothers me. She seemed upset that I prefer she swim on a day other than before our lessons. What would…
- Last updated 9 months ago
- air, aroma, aromas, boundaries, boundary, chlorine, claiming territory, cologne, enforcing your policy, environment, explaining claiming territory, explaining policies, odor, odors, perfume, policies, policy, reclaiming territory, scent, scents, sensitive, sensitivities, sensitivity, sensory issues, sensory processing disorder, setting policies, smell, smells, studio policies, studio policy, writing a studio policy
Recital Pieces Multiple Times
Choosing recital pieces question: I usually try to give students a choice on which piece they want to play; and also try to not have the same piece played multiple times in the same recital. With a small number of students, this hasn’t been too…
- Last updated 10 months ago
- annual recital, ideas for recitals, Laurie Richards, multiple students want same recital piece, playing duet at recital, private recital, public recital, public recitals, recital, recital expectations, recital ideas, recital piece multiple times, recital pieces, recital preparation, recital program, recital programs, recital selection multiple times, recital selections, recital size, recitals, redundant recital pieces, redundant recital selections
Multilevel Shared Lesson
This week I took the plunge and tried a different sort of class. I love teaching groups and nearly all my after school students are in group classes. During the day though, I have lots of adults that come one by one. Some are in…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- adult, adult lessons, adult student, adult students, adults, adults and children in same class, adults in groups, benefits of group lessons, benefits of shared lessons, combining different ages, different ages in group, different levels, different levels in group, different pacing in group, forming groups, group, group by level, group dynamics, group energy, group lesson, group lessons, group lessons scheduling, group obstacles, group or private lessons, group vs private, groups, large groups, leading groups, managing groups, managing shared lessons, merging private students with groups, private to group, private to shared, private to shared lessons, private vs group, private vs shared, private vs shared lessons, rate, scheduling groups, scheduling shared lessons, setting up groups, shared, shared lesson, shared lesson ideas, shared lesson management, shared lessons, shared lessons management, shared vs private, starting groups, students in groups with different abilities, students progressing differently, teaching adults, teaching groups, transitioning private students to group, value of groups
Parent Participation Videoconference
Hi Teachers, here is a conversation I had with a few Simply Music Teachers about: parent participation in class, setting up the expectations & agreements, how to help a child when his/her parents are not in attendance (but a grandparent is), do teens need a…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- agreements, coach, coach at lessons, coach missing lessons, coach not coaching, coach responsibility, coaches, coaching, coaching parents, dealing with parents, distracted coach, encouraging parents, expectation, expectations, holding coaches accountable, involving parents in lessons, involving the parent, keeping coaches focused, learning parent, learning without a coach, life coach, life coach roles, life coaches, managing coaches, managing expectations, no coach at lessons, no coaches, no life coach, non-attending parent, parent, parent and child lesson, parent and student in the same lesson, Parent attendance, parent correcting in lesson, parent expectation, parent involvement, parent key, parent learn with child, parent learning, parent review, parent reviews, parent role, parent struggles, parent support, parent unwilling to attend, parental expectations, parental involvement, parental participation, parental responsibility, parents, parents attending lessons, parents attending workshops, parents controlling the lessons, parents taking extra notes, participation, participation in lessons, problem parent, Robin Keehn, role of parent, talking about expectations, teaching parents, teaching without a coach, teens without a coach, unsupportive parent, value of attendance, working with parents, working with parents on how to practice
Slowing Students Down & Rewards
Please read this post with the mindset that a student is playing too fast and you CAN’T slow them down they are great students and they totally on board for the long term relationship they don’t have any other problems other than slowing down (…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- audio, audio materials, audio recording, Audio recordings, audio SHMs, breaking things down, control the events, controlling the events, counting, counting rhythms, CTE, deliberate practice, external rewards, external speaker, external speakers, extrinsic rewards, fast playing, getting student to slow down, gifts, how to play, how to practice, internal metronome, intrinsic rewards, learning slowly, listening to audio recordings, listening to the audio recordings, metronome, motivation, play along, playing along with audio, playing fast vs slow, playing slowly, playing speed, playing too fast, playing with audio tracks, poor practice, practice, practice guidelines, practice habits, practicing, practicing guidelines, practicing slowly, rewards, slow practice, slow-steady-musical-even, slowing down, speaking instructions out loud, SSME, stickers, student rewards, teaching how to practice, using audio recordings, using audio tracks, using the audio recordings to learn songs, visualize, visualize practice, what to play, working with parents on how to practice
Looking at Hands While Playing
A new adult student with a small amount of previous experience told me that it’s hard for her to watch her hands because she took a beginning piano class in college with a teacher who insisted that students never look at their hands and would…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- comparing traditional to Simply Music, eyes on hands, eyes on sheet music, eyes on the page, look at hands, look at sheet music, looking at hands, looking at page, looking at sheet music, looking at the page, outside reading knowledge, PB, playing-based, playing-based while reading, previous reading knowledge, prior reading experience, RB, reading, reading concerns, reading music, reading problems, reading process, reading program, reading-based, sight reading, SM vs traditional, source from the page, source instructions from the page, starting SM with traditional students, student wants only to read, students that already read music, students who already read, tracking the page, traditional, traditional background, traditional experience, traditional student, traditional students, traditional students to SM, traditional to Simply Music, traditional vs. Simply Music, traditional vs. simply music reading, traditionally trained, transitioning into SM, transitioning students, transitioning to SM, transitioning traditional students, using playing-based tools while reading, watch hands, watch sheet music, watching hands, watching page, watching sheet music, watching the page
Change Audio Speed
I have an adult student asking if there’s anyway to slow down the audio songs in order to play along with them. She’s in Level 6 and would love to play along with the Gaz, and others but esp. the Gaz. Maybe something corp. adds…
- Last updated 1 year ago
- Amazing Slow Downer, audacity, audio, audio materials, audio options, audio recording, Audio recordings, audio SHMs, change audio speed, changing audio speed, download audio, downloading audio, getting student to slow down, learning slowly, listening to audio recordings, listening to the audio recordings, Music Speed Changer, playing along with audio, playing fast vs slow, playing slowly, playing speed, playing with audio tracks, practicing slowly, QuickTime, slow down audio, slow practice, slow-steady-musical-even, slowing down, tempo, using audio recordings, using audio tracks, using the audio recordings to learn songs, YouTube
Questions for Students to Ask Themselves
Here is something that every one of my students have above their pianos. Obviously if your students are in the lower foundations, intervals, counting would not be needed but I find it a great tool to help remind them what boxes need to be ticked.…
- Last updated 2 years ago
- at home practice, audio recording, Audio recordings, audio SHMs, best practices, BH, both hands, deliberate practice, enhancing practice, external speaker, external speakers, hands together, how to practice, HT, managing practice, managing practice time, play along, playing along with audio, playing with audio tracks, practice, practice guidelines, practice habits, practice ideas, practice routine, practice time, separate hands, SH, slow practice, speaking instructions out loud, teaching how to practice, together right, trouble with hands together, using audio recordings, using audio tracks, voice, writing intervals
Metaphor To Support Learning Strategies
Metaphor I came up with today while coaching a student, expanding on the notion of working slowly to learn quickly. Student wasn’t speaking instructions. I reminded. Student resisted, said it’s harder. I said, you know what? You’re right. It’s harder to do two things at…
- Last updated 2 years ago
- control the events, controlling the events, CTE, external speaker, external speakers, fast playing, getting student to slow down, how fast to move, how quickly students learn, learning pace, learning slowly, learning strategies, learning tools and strategies, pace, pace of learning, playing fast vs slow, playing slowly, playing speed, playing too fast, playing-based strategies, practicing slowly, resistant students, slow practice, slow-steady-musical-even, slowing down, speaking instructions out loud, speed of learning, speed of progress, strategies, student processing and resisting approach, students moving quickly, students speed of progress, tools and strategies