Learning Rhythm in a Generative Environment
Found in: Reading, Shared Lessons
Cathy H., California
I love the Reading Rhythm Program and the idea of generative learning. I wanted to add an experience I recently had regarding generative learning. I use the words frequently in class always explaining the difference to my students as we go, and they love learning the BIG words! I wanted a reward that would distinguish my rhythm students from the others. Something they do each week ONLY if all homework is done and the playlists are filled out. So, I used a game my daughter taught me using cups. Difficult to explain in an email but basically, the game involves a series of hand movements using plastic cups. In the end the cups are passed to the right as the game gets progressively faster. The kids immediately loved it, and got good at it very fast. After we played the game last week I said, “Nicole, would you please go to the board and write out the rhythm track?” Wow did I get confused looks! At first they weren’t sure what I meant but it was only a second later that they were all up at the board figuring out which were singles, doubles and quads. It was great to watch the kids enjoy this so much. The pattern was actually very simple D Q D S, D D D S. But what an amazing thing to watch them be able to understand the concept and be able to translate it so differently from what they had been doing.