Lessons To Learn For A New Teacher
Found in: Foundation Session, Teaching and Teacher Training
I just concluded my first two Introductory Sessions. The sessions went very well and I’m excited about embarking on the teaching journey.
My question is this: what is one thing (or more, if you want to elaborate) you’d share with a new teacher from your experience? I don’t want to say, “what would you do differently,” because I don’t want to frame the question negatively. I guess my question is more about your own “AHA!” moments.
I had a fairly recent “moment” where the importance of the Relationship Conversation clicked. I admit that at first I was somewhat uncomfortable with this conversation, because it was such a departure from what I was used to in the traditional teaching environment. Inside there was some level of “why do they want to hear this from me?”, although I understood the reasons logically.
I have been realizing the importance of it more and more as I have taught, so I decided to keep it in the forefront by copying the relationship chart onto neon orange paper, framing it, and displaying it prominently in my studio so we don’t forget about it. It’s always there as a silent reminder for students and parents that it is normal, but temporary, to not like piano sometimes.
Recently during a lesson, a mom made a comment – (pointing to the chart) “Boy, I’m finding out that that chart is really true! I think we’re in a down cycle right now.” This was my “aha!” moment – because when the down time came, she didn’t automatically think, “This isn’t working, my daughter doesn’t want to do this anymore”, etc. etc. Because of the Relationship Conversation, she was not taken aback by this development and was able to see it more objectively from a long-term perspective. Wow, that is so important!!
So, I would say as a new teacher to not take that conversation for granted – it will go a long way toward your success in retaining students.