Teaching and Teacher Training
Preparing for Accreditation
The recent flux of accreditations (in Perth alone) has brought to my attention the fact that my year of being “licensed” is drawing to a close and I’d best get a move on with recording students. This I’ve done, and wow have I learned a…
Employ a Simply Music Teacher
I am interested that you have an employee teacher. I am wondering how this works.. I am a brand new SM teacher, but yesterday another music friend (who I actually used to have a business partnership with running preschool music classes) mentioned to me that…
Benefits of Certification
A teacher asked what are the benefits in transitioning from being a Licensed Teacher to a Certified Teacher. Here is Neil Moore’s response. What is the Benefit of Being a Certified Simply Music Piano Teacher? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4ZjB91gzcI&list=PL3o0aF_9qHn4F2sy8QRuPb_jf_r4D9823&index=18 Original video posted April 5, 2017
Webinar Series: 11/20/2018 – Piano – Managing Multiple Streams
In this webinar, Laurie discusses some tips for managing several different streams in the curriculum and answers teacher questions. Topics include: Introduction & Purpose (0:05) When to Teach Variations & Arrangements (1:05) Expected Level of Mastery (07:25) Planning Your Training (11:03) Teacher Questions: Comp &…
Recording students for teacher certification
When do you record your students’ playing? I’m at a point where I should be able to become certified, but I haven’t been good at doing the student recordings because I feel like it’s unfair to them to take up their class time with recording…
Teacher in a valley
I’m hoping to find some advice and encouragement. For several months, I have felt bogged down in studio management (mostly involving recruiting and keeping students since my finances are very restricted at the moment). In the process of trying to fill vacancies and keep my…
When students catch up to teachers
One of my students is on the verge of “outgrowing” me as a SM teacher. I was honest with her mom about it to set the stage in case I need to “graduate” her daughter to another, more advanced teacher. The mom home schools her…
Teaching tip: Preparatory Learning
Teach a very small portion of something without revealing what it’s leading to. This works great with Arrangements, e.g. Soapy Dreams (Dreams #2): I teach just the LH chord shape and ask students to try it in different locations on the piano. Once everyone’s got…
Parental non-disclosure of special needs
I’m in a bit of a teacher valley. A brand new 11-year-old student (just one month of lessons) has quit, though we had lots of good Foundation talks and relationship talks. He was progressing slowly but surely with the Basics and RH/LH of Dreams. He…
Understanding Chord Structure – Laurie Richards (Webinar)
In this interactive teacher webinar, Laurie walks through the ‘rules’ of how chords are built. Using slides for visual reinforcement of the concepts, the following topics are clearly covered: Major Scale How Triads are Built Other Chord Tones 7th Chords Extended Chords Chord Voicing Chord…