How Much Information Should I Put on My Website
Found in: About Business
Kylie S. AU
I am a relatively new teacher and I am putting a lot of information about SM on my personal website. However, I am wondering if I am “giving away” too much and scaring people!
I have included topics like:
Fees and policies
The benefits of shared lessons
Goals and roles
The importance of keeping your playlist alive
A discussion on music as a long-term relationship.
These key “conversations” you would have face to face also, but I felt it would add more reinforcement and give people an idea upfront of what to expect and how to get the most out of the program.
Does anybody else do this?? Am I giving too much info away?! Or is it a positive thing?
Would love your opinions.
Missy M. Nebraska
One thing I do and you might consider doing is posting your “extra” information, those things helpful for enrolled students, in a portal on your webpage that students can log into. That makes it fun and privileged info for your students, those that the information would really pertain too. Keep the rest of your website simple and informative just enough to direct people to call you for the details.
Vee S. Florida
Too much information in my opinion. I think keeping it simple is better. Then you do have something to discuss when you are face to face.
Sharon I. AU
I’m a newbie teacher too, been teaching SM for nearly a year now. I’d like to congratulate you on your website, it’s comprehensive and professional with a great smorgasbord of music classes. I have a small studio that has grown from mainly free Facebook advertising and word of mouth, so I can’t really comment on whether the info is too much. But as a parent of three boys, I’m quite driven by the price factor and I think you are very reasonably priced and your classes sound like fun and what I would like to attend with my sons so if I lived near, I’d be in line to enroll.
Ruth C. AU
I have a very small website hosted by my web consultant. Very cheap so not fancy. However I actually have my Handbook put on it each year which has all of the things you mentioned. I think – It is there for those who really want to know those things.
Yes I do go through them, some at the Free Intro Session, and the rest in the first couple of classes at the beginning of each year.