How much to review with transfer student?
Found in: Practicing & Playlists, Student Management
Stephen R., California
How would you suggest handling a transfer student from another teacher who left off in Level 4, yet has had a year and a half break? Start at the beginning with Dreams? My gut feeling is telling me to do that. Review all the previous diagrams, tools, and strategies; give her more variations and arrangement; and make sure her playlist is solid. This seems really important, so that we don’t encounter gaps in the foundation.
Cheri S., Utah
When I got Level 4 transfer students who had had a year off, we only relearned songs they had really forgotten. And even those came back pretty easily. But their previous teacher had done very little with the other streams. Getting them up to speed in Accompaniment and Composition/Improvisation took at least as much effort as Foundation. We spent the first year “catching up”.
In retrospect, I wish I’d moved forward in Foundation 4 right from the start. I wish I’d run playlist review as if it were just another stream, and let all the streams move naturally alongside Foundation 4, instead of waiting until they were “caught up” to even start it. I think that treading water that first year cost us a lot in their energy and joy in music. It at least contributed to (and possibly caused) their quitting lessons before they were ready to keep music as a life-long companion.
Cate R., Australia
I would assess her to see where she is: ask her to play her favorite songs from previous levels, ask if she’s been practicing at all, and where she is with Accompaniment and Reading Rhythm/Reading Notes. I wouldn’t start again from Level 1. She needs to have Fur Elise ready for Level 5 but other pieces are scaffolding. You could assign her to relearn a favorite song or a blues song. Give the impression of moving forward. You’ll see the holes appear as you head into the program. If she just hasn’t done anything at all then you might have to go back to Level 3 but always give the impression of moving forward.