Student Management

Showing 1 - 10 of 184 results in Student Management

Letting Students Go

Gosh, there are SO many things I want to comment on, but at this moment, I want to encourage all of you who might be on the fence about letting someone go from your studio to just do it! I realize we all have our…

The Four Tendencies

In the last few months Gretchen Rubin’s book “The Four Tendencies” was referred to me – I have found it super insightful wrt understanding both myself, and students. Here’s a link to a brief summary – reminder that one size doesn’t always fit all when…

Drop-In / Office Hours

I wonder if anybody is offering an extra “drop in hour” for extra support to students? I was thinking, perhaps 10 minute time slots. I believe I heard reference to this on one of the recent calls with Neil and thought it was a great…

Nervous at Lesson, Perfect at Home

I’m sensing my own impatience lately with some of my adult students! I also feel like I’ve been getting lots of “I’m nervous” and “it was perfect at home” from them. Maybe it’s just me… I’m not quite sure what’s going on. I’m just feeling…

Two Lessons Per Week

One of my new private adult students (she is practicing diligently, LOVES SM, her playlist so far is very strong) wants to switch from having one (half-hour) lesson per week to two (half-hour) lessons weekly (several days apart) because she is eager to make even…

Performance Anxiety

Can anyone point me towards resources to help a student with performance anxiety? She’s 13 and used to willingly play and sing for anyone who’d ask, but now she’s extremely resistant even as she’s a fabulous and sensitive musician. I’ve never felt like much of…