Non Teaching Business Partners
Found in: About Business
Mark M., New York
I seem to recall hearing about at least a few teachers out there who have a business partner who does not teach. I personally would love to be able to just teach and leave all the marketing and operations to someone else.
Can any of you who have this sort of situation share some about how you found such a person, the nature of the partnership, division of income, etc.?
Carrie L., Michigan
We have a large studio (3 SM teachers) and 2 guitar with about 145 students weekly.
My husband does the billing/payments, employee forms and checks. (he doesn’t technically get paid!)
We have office staff that does the phone calls, scheduling and anything else I need done. (paid hourly during our open studio hours). I used to have a marketing person do the marketing that I asked for her to do in exchange for lessons for her kids.
I’d say that it is wonderful once you have capable people trained to do the other work… however it does take time, processes, systems to get in place before it becomes relatively ‘easy’ and even then there are more processes and systems to build as you grow.