Online Offers to Increase Student Numbers
Found in: About Business
Carol P. Michigan
Does anyone know anything about the offer/business listed in the email below? Has anyone tried it?
“Want to read about a tested, proven method to grow your piano lesson business by leaps and bounds?
OK, if you’re still here, you must need more information before you click on a link in an email that showed up out of the blue.
If you are a piano teacher, I have an incredible story for you.
I know that you must love piano, as well as the flexibility of running your own business from your home. But sometimes, getting enough students can be difficult, right?
The link below will take you to a page (Piano Teacher that will tell you the story of Julie from Georgia who grew her piano-lesson business by 583% in less than 10 months. Seriously.
She went from making about $7000 per year to about $50,000 per year (still working part-time)….WITHOUT pounding the pavement looking for new students
How did she do it? (It’s not illegal, immoral, or fattening.)
It’s just a simple method that I came up with that used the power of the internet to grow her business…but it’s not your everyday solution. It’s definitely too much to put in an email, so…
go to the information page to find out more.
Yours truly,
Carl C.
The Small Business Guy “
Ian M. Indiana
I haven’t used it, but I looked at the web site. Having done that, I recommend *against* purchasing the product unless you fit a very narrow profile, and maybe not even then. It’s fairly clear from the giant ad – er, website – that he’s putting a lot of stock into being able to increase your student numbers almost exclusively through establishing an aggressive online presence, driving visitors to your web site, and turning them into customers. I don’t think that’s going to work for a lot of people. (However, please note: he is certainly practicing what he preaches – that’s also the business model for what he’s doing.)
If someone told me “but I’m pretty tech- and web-savvy, and I already have a pretty good website, and I already get a significant number of inquiries through that website, AND I live in an area that is pretty densely populated and I haven’t really yet scratched the surface in terms of how many students I could get”, I’d say “then MAYBE this is a good idea for you.” I’m pretty sure that if you’re not in a densely populated area, this won’t work (unless you’re also giving lessons online, and then there are different problems, e.g. figuring out how to adapt his method to a less localized area). I also think that if you’re looking to increase your student body by some more modest percentage than what he’s suggesting is possible, I’d look into other methods of doing it.