Parent Involvement
Found in: Coaches
Ruth P., North Carolina
I’m a new teacher (third week of lessons) . What are some effective ways you have found to engage parents in the lessons. I have them watch, occasionally try patterns on the piano, sing with us and put patterns on their children’s fingers, but I feel like I need more – as sometimes they don’t seem very engaged.
Elisa J., New Jersey
This actually happened last week. A parent just mentioned that her daughter taught her part of Night Storm adding that her daughter didn’t have as much patience as I do….so I said, “really? that’s great! Let me hear that!”. Of course after the slight mortified look on her face she came up and showed me. This was unplanned but it wasn’t the first time I’ve done it. I’ve had a parent participate when I have students do improve. On the upper part of the keyboard while I do NS acc on the bottom (to show everyone that anyone can do this). I have them sing with me when a student plays an acc piece. I am constantly trying to be tuned in to what’s going on in the room when a comment is made. When I ask about a song that doesn’t sound the way it should I look to both student and their parent for an answer. I would actually like to hear more on this as well.