Piano party game: Story telling
Found in: Recitals & Events
Leeanne I., Australia
Just sharing a piano game I made up. I did it at my piano party and it was a big hit!
I had everyone in the audience (students, coaches, and onlookers) come up to the front and stand in two rows to make two teams. One team was the storytellers, the other team was the players. The storyteller team had to make up a story. Each person in the team came up with one sentence. I started it off with “Once upon a time, there was a little boy who went for a walk in the forest”. First in the storyteller team had 10 seconds to come up with the next sentence in the story. Then the first person in the player team had 10 seconds to play something on the piano that sounded like what was happening in the story. After you had your turn, you went to the end of the line in the opposite team. If you didn’t come up with something in 10 seconds, you were out of the game and had to sit down. After everyone has had a go at telling the story and playing, it’s the end of the game (otherwise it could go on for hours!).
It was really funny to see where the story went. Everyone enjoyed it and some of the kids, half of which weren’t even students, wanted to play it again.