Playing songs at the correct tempo
Found in: Foundation Songs
Heidi M., Canada
One of my adult students is in a valley (or plateau) because even though she can do Alma Mater Blues very well super slowly, she is impatient with herself and she said “I will NEVER be able to play it as quickly as Neil Moore does it on the SHM”. I told her “not yet, but you will!”. She asked, “That may take me 3 or 4 months, so will this hold me up from getting my Foundation 1 certificate?” I did tell her I don’t believe it will take that long. But I do wonder how fast does she have to be able to play it to pass the F1 level? I don’t think she quite has the rhythm yet but I honestly think it will only be a matter of 2-3 weeks because she combines her hands beautifully.
Just wondering if she has to be able to play Alma Mater Blues as quickly as Neil Moore :). I hate to see her get discouraged. I tried to encourage her by saying I wished all my students played as relaxed (slowly) as she does. I also told her it takes as long as it takes. It was not much comfort to her, though a little bit. Any other thoughts?
Joanne C., Australia
I don’t think of the certificates as an assessment from a pass or fail point of view. I just require that the student has an understanding of how to piece the songs together and has done the necessary work to get to that point. I look at it more as Certificate of Completion. They rhythm will happen when it happens.
Erini T., Australia
I don’t require perfection before giving a certificate, just a reasonable putting together of the piece. Sometimes it depends on the ability of the student, i.e. I require more from students more capable. Others improve as they continue on, even after receiving their certificate. Although sometimes I move them on to the next level before giving them their earlier level certificate, to continue moving forwards while improving their earlier level pieces before giving them the certificate.
Kerry V., Australia
For me I see the child within the adult, therefore I work with the child with adult language. I hear her feeling she isn’t good enough for whatever reason. I speak to them from that point of view. I would also never say “you will”. I mention they will play their way and if your goal is to play as fast as Neil, then ask what are the steps we can take to get there? If a student is really stressing about it, I drop it for a few weeks from lessons, to show them there is not reason to worry about it. Then I address it again and work on it or see they have progressed. It takes as long as it takes.
It would be helpful if this student was in a group to see that it isn’t something you ‘get’ so soon and isn’t along on this journey. Maybe show her some YouTube videos with students playing Alma Mater Blues and she can see that not all play ‘like Neil’. You play from your own self-expression and no one else’s.
Rochelle G., California
I don’t think a fast tempo is necessary to pass level 1. I “pass” my students when they can play hands together with a steady beat (and that is relative to where that student is at). They will have plenty of time to improve and increase tempo as they keep their playlist alive and continue on to level two and add sections 2 and 3. I do make sure that Alma Mater is strong. My experience has been that most students love it and have no problem playing it enough that by the time we add section two it is really strong. For my students who take longer to get it down, I make sure they know that they will be amazed by what will happen by simply playing it every day.
Leeanne I., Australia
I let my students start Level 2 if they have recorded most of their Level 1 songs. For most students, that means they haven’t recorded Alma Mater Blues yet (at the same tempo as Neil plays in the recording). I tell them this is quite normal as it is the last song we learned. I explain we learn more of Alma Mater in Level 2 but if they aren’t ready, I skip it and come back to it. One student who really struggled to get Alma Mater in Level 1 and had to skip and come back to both versions in Level 2, has now finished Level 2 and can play all three parts really well. Some students just take longer to get it. I tell my students I was also one of the students that struggled to get this song, and they all look shocked when I tell them!
Jacqui G., Canada
Remind your student that we continue to add to AMB in Foundation 2, so it’s an ongoing piece. And it is a tricky one to learn – took me forever too!