Recognizing student birthdays
Found in: Relationships
Joan H., Canada
Looking for ideas re: if and how you acknowledge students’ birthdays. Card, small gift, nothing? I do a white board each month with the names of students’ birthdays that month, and then once a month we celebrate with cake or treats that I provide – they just grab a piece of cake or treat after lessons on their way out the door. Just considering whether to do something more personal.
Missy M., Iowa
I give my students a gift certificate to a cake shop by my studio. They can receive a personal sized Bundt cake on me! They love getting special treats. I’ve also given ice cream vouchers. Always I write a personal message in a card. I love my students and families!
Jeanne W., Connecticut
I always teach them to play Happy Birthday by ear (or by writing out I, IV, V chords) the week of their birthday or a sibling’s birthday. And we all sing it together the next lesson and encourage them to sing it with the family at home.
Pat M., Canada
I send a card in the mail as everyone likes getting mail. I made my own cards on Vistaprint for a reasonable price and that is what I send.
Leeanne I., Australia
I send them a happy birthday message online and also list all the birthdays in my quarterly newsletter.
Jane H.
I give them all a chocolate treat on my birthday; then I don’t have to remember theirs. If they have had their birthday they can eat it, and if they haven’t they have to keep it!
Sue L., California
I play and sing a fancy version of Happy Birthday for them and for the parents’ birthdays too.