When students catch up to teachers
Found in: Teaching and Teacher Training
Sue L., California
One of my students is on the verge of “outgrowing” me as a SM teacher. I was honest with her mom about it to set the stage in case I need to “graduate” her daughter to another, more advanced teacher. The mom home schools her kids, and told me she’s happy for me to learn alongside her daughter. She said home school teachers are not expected to be PHds. She also said if I choose not to “keep ahead of” her daughter, that is okay too and she understands.
I wanted to share this as an encouragement to other teachers. I was very blessed by this parent’s support and it relieved a lot of stress and insecurity that was haunting me.
Christine W., Kansas
I’m in the same boat with my Development 14 student. I mostly coach him through songs, though we’re working on Moonlight Sonata and The Entertainer together.
Pat M., Canada
This is exactly how I feel. I have been seriously thinking of teaching up to Level 9 only because I am struggling so much to keep up with everything! I would like my students to have a more advanced teacher in my area because I don’t want to hold them back. Thank you so much for the encouragement.
Un Mani, Australia
I recommend finding a SM teacher of your own. I’ve had my own for years now and it’s like someone has my back. I will often take the lesson time to ask random current teaching questions.